It Never Rains but it Pours (Rain Gardens & Water Conservation)
Rain gardens are natural storm water management systems and a simple way to adapt to climate change in Tantramar. Climate change is causing more rainfall but it is falling in fewer, more intense events. Rain gardens capture runoff from roofs or parking lots, etc and lets it absorb naturally into the ground, keeping it out of storm drains. They are also helpful in coastal areas, limiting erosion and filtering polluted runoff. Rain gardens are planted with native grasses and flowers and also attract bees and butterflies! EOS planted 6 rain gardens across Tantramar during the summer of 2014 with funding from the Environmental Trust Fund.
Find out all about rain gardens here: Rain Garden How-to Guide for Tantramar
Download the final project report here: Final Report It Never Rains but it Pours 2014
Watch a Global TV News story on EOS and volunteers planting a rain garden at Dorchester Consolidated School!
Learn more about water conservation and rain barrels: