Go Transpo

Go Transpo

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Go Transpo is a regional network of organizations and individuals working to improve our transportation network in the Westmorland-Albert region. At the centre of the network is the Go Transpo Steering Committee. The Committee connects and supports initiatives aimed at improving mobility and accessibility in and between our communities.


The Go Transpo project was initiated in 2012 by EOS and the Westmorland Albert Community Inclusion Network Co-operative Ltd. in response to the severe lack of mobility and transportation alternatives in the Westmorland-Albert region. Transportation is a key priority of the WA CIN Co-op’s strategic plan developed in 2010 and links to the Provincial Overcoming Poverty Together plan’s ‘opportunity for being’. Go Transpo has been successful in bringing the transportation barriers facing our communities to the forefront, starting dialogues, and creating a space for communities, organizations, and individuals to work together to improve our transportation network.

Our Vision: In 2040, communities in Westmorland-Albert are connected through economically, socially, and environmentally responsible transportation options that allow individuals to get where they want to be when they want to be there. 

Our Mission: Supporting community transportation through networking, collaboration, and inclusion.

For more information about Go Transpo: