Sackville Climate Change Resilience Survey

How can Sackville, NB thrive & be more resilient during climate change?

 Help inform a new community-based guide for residents, businesses and organizations in Sackville, NB. Have your say today by filling in a quick survey below. There is one for residents and one for businesses/organizations/community groups.

**The deadline is August 16, 2020**

EOS Eco-Energy received funding from the NB Environmental Trust Fund to create a Climate Change Resilience Guide based on your input to the surveys. The community of Sackville has learned valuable lessons about resilience (the ability to bounce back after hardship) already due to previous storm events and the covid-19 pandemic. EOS wants to incorporate existing knowledge and ideas into the community-based guide to help residents, businesses and organizations thrive and be better prepared in the future. The community guide will complement Sackville’s corporate climate adaptation plan for municipal operations.

For more information or if you would like to complete either survey by telephone, please contact EOS at (506) 536-4487. Thank you for your input!

Sackville Residential Survey

This survey is for residents of Sackville – both teens and adults. By completing it, you can enter to win an EOS Eco-Energy Prize Pack with local food products! Input in the survey is anonymous and voluntary. There are 14 questions and it should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Click here for the residents’ survey:

Survey for Sackville Businesses, Organizations and Groups

Sackville businesses, organizations, non-profits, and community groups are invited to answer this survey which contains 8 questions.  Input in the questionnaire is anonymous, voluntary and should take about 15 minutes to complete. 

Click here for the business survey:



Non-Profit Organizations Membership Form

We have relevant skills and are interested in the following volunteer activities:

Institutions & Businesses Membership Form

We have relevant skills and are interested in the following volunteer activities:

Family Membership Form

For family membership please include all family members 18 years+

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Membership Form

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Individual Membership Form

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Get Involved

Fill out this form to sign up for volunteering.