Chignecto Watersheds Monitoring

What We Do

EOS monitors watersheds in the Chignecto Isthmus region of New Brunswick. The Chignecto Watersheds Committee is an initiative of EOS. It is an advisory committee comprised of people and groups with a wide range of expertise who share an interest in the water quality of our local watersheds. Read more about our funders, Chignecto watersheds, our monitoring and assessment work, educational resources, and the Committee below.

Our Funders

The EOS watershed monitoring work has been funded by:


The Chignecto Watersheds Committee envisions long-term sustainability and resiliency of our local watersheds. 


The Chignecto Watersheds Committee is an advisory committee dedicated to the sustainability of our local environment and preparing our communities for the combined impacts of climate and land use change by promoting watershed awareness through public education, conducting long-term inland water monitoring, and performing subsequent restoration and protection activities.


The Chignecto Watersheds Committee will establish the framework to conduct long-term inland water monitoring in the Inner Bay of Fundy and part of the Northumberland Strait watersheds, encourage water stewardship by raising awareness of local watershed issues through education and outreach activities, and engage volunteers to take action within our watersheds.

Interactive Maps

Click on the maps below to view the data and photos for each of our water quality monitoring sites:

Tantramar Watershed





Cape Tormentine Watershed 





Dorchester-Rockport Watershed

Joe Brook Habitat Assessment

Johnson Creek Habitat Assessment





Water Quality Monitoring Results and Reports By Year


EOS conducted water quality monitoring and outreach education in the Dorchester-Rockport Watershed area. These projects were funded by the NB Environmental Trust Fund.

Watershed Monitoring Dorchester-Rockport 2024




EOS conducted a habitat assessments of Scott Brook in the Murray Corner, NB area and water quality monitoring and education in the Cape Tormentine Watershed area. These projects were funded by the NB Wildlife Trust Fund and the NB Environmental Trust Fund.

Habitat Assessment of Scott Brook 2022 Final Report

Watershed Projects Final Report 2022-2023

Cape Tormentine Water Quality Report 2022



EOS was engaged in two major water monitoring projects: monitoring of the Tantramar River Watershed (funded by the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund), and a habitat assessment of Joe Brook (funded by the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust).

2021-2022 ETF Watershed Final Report

2021 Tantramar River Watershed Water Quality Report

2021 Joe Brook Habitat Assessment Report



EOS received funding from the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund to monitor 12 sites in the Rockport – Dorchester Area. The full suite of surface water parameters and in-situ measurements (pH, conductivity, salinity, TDS, DO) were collected from June to September. A summary of our activities funded over the last year through our ETF grant can be found in the 2020-21 Watershed ETF Final Report

Results from this year’s water quality monitoring can be found in the 2020 Water Quality Report

We also received funding from the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund to conduct Habitat Assessments of the Johnson Creek Watershed. The results can be found in the 2020 NBWTF Final Report. The final report also contains an interactive google map with photos and site information for each habitat assessment.


This year, EOS has received support from the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund to monitor 12 sites in the Cape Tormentine Peninsula Watershed. The full suite of surface water parameters will be collected from June to September. We are also monitoring the 12 sites in May & October for in-situ measurements (pH, conductivity, salinity, TDS, DO). A summary of our activities funded over the last year through our ETF grant can be found in the 2019-20 Watershed ETF Final Report

Results from this year’s water quality monitoring can be found in the 2019 Water Quality Report

We also received funding from the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund to conduct a riparian health assessment of the Gaspereau River. The results can be found in the 2019 NBWTF Final Report


This year, EOS has received support from the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund, Renaissance Sackville, and the Atlantic Water Network & the Hillsborough River Association to monitor 12 sites in the Tantramar River Watershed. The full suite of surface water parameters will be collected from June to September. We are also monitoring the 12 sites in May & October for in-situ measurements (pH, conductivity, salinity, TDS, DO). A summary of our activities funded over the last year through our ETF grant can be found in the 2018-19 Watershed ETF Final Report

Results from this year’s Tantramar River Watershed monitoring were summarized into the 2018 Water Quality Report

We also received funding from the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund to conduct a riparian health assessment of the Tantramar River. The results can be found in the 2018 NBWTF Final Report

In partnership with the Campbell Lab at Mount Allison University and using citizen science monitoring, we conducted water sampling blitzes of the Cape Tormentine Peninsula Watershed Composite. The results from these blitzes will help to select long-term water monitoring sites in that watershed and monitoring will begin next year.

Results of the First Water Sampling Blitz

Results of our Second Water Sampling Blitz


In 2017-2018 the group received funding from the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund to establish a framework to start long-term water monitoring in the Inner Bay of Fundy and Cape Tormentine Peninsula Watersheds. Monitoring will provide the Chignecto Watersheds Committee with the data necessary to gain a better understanding of our watersheds and will lead to the undertaking of any necessary restoration or protection activities, ultimately ensuring healthy watersheds, sustainable ecosystems and resilient communities.

2017-18 Watershed ETF Final Report


Learn More about Some of our Water Quality Parameters:

Map of Chignecto Watersheds:

Invasive Species – Be on the Lookout:


Be Aware of Cyanobacteria:

Cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae) are microscopic organisms found naturally in all types of water. In warm, slow-moving, nutrient-rich environments, cyanobacteria can multiply quickly, creating blooms that spread across the water’s surface. Sometimes, but not always, the blooms can become visible. Nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) can come from fertilizer runoff, faulty septic tanks, etc. The blooms can form at any time, but most often form in late summer or early fall. The blooms can make toxins, called cyanotoxins, which can make people, pets, and other animals sick and even die. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the toxin, and you cannot tell if a bloom has toxins by looking at it. Do not swim or boat in water that looks foamy, scummy or has algae in it and keep pets away as well.

Check out the New Brunswick-based resources below to learn more:

Chignecto Watersheds Committee

The committee provides scientific advisory support to EOS staff.

Non-Profit Organizations Membership Form

We have relevant skills and are interested in the following volunteer activities:

Institutions & Businesses Membership Form

We have relevant skills and are interested in the following volunteer activities:

Family Membership Form

For family membership please include all family members 18 years+

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Membership Form

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Individual Membership Form

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

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Fill out this form to sign up for volunteering.