TFT Steering Committee

Transportation for Tantramar Steering Committee

Mission: The Transportation for Tantramar Committee’s mission is to find solutions that ensure people are able to get where they need to go, at the time that they need to be there, at a cost that they can afford, using sustainable effective mediums. 

Vision: The Transportation for Tantramar committee sees a future where residents of the Tantramar region are able to stay well connected to services and community via creative planning solutions, as well as  through ease of access to multi-modal transportation options (shared, independent, active, and creative) that meet citizens’ local and regional transportation needs in a sustainable and economically viable fashion. 

Member  Community Representatives 
Mike Fox Department of Geography and Environment at Mount Allison University
Alex Keeling  Independent Contractor – Software Development
Stacey Merrigan Renaissance Sackville
Melissa O’Rourke Mount Allison University Student Union
Ian Smith Mount Allison University Student Union
Carla VanBeselaere Department of  Economics Mount Allison University
Joni Fleck Andrews EOS Eco Energy

Transportation For Tantramar Steering Committee – Strategic Plan 

For more information:
Phone: (506) 536-4487

Non-Profit Organizations Membership Form

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Institutions & Businesses Membership Form

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Family Membership Form

For family membership please include all family members 18 years+

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Membership Form

I have relevant skills and am interested in the following volunteer activities:

Individual Membership Form

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