Citizen Engagement

It is critical to recognize and change the systems that have caused the climate crisis and have left certain people more vulnerable to its impacts. We can’t do everything alone and do not have to. We can engage in civic duties, volunteer with or support community groups, and influence political action for larger changes and broader climate change adaptation.

1. Get involved with local groups

A great idea is to be part of collective action for a bigger impact. Community-based action and sustained action is an indicator of a resilient community and Sackville has a number of excellent community-based groups and organizations that have kept momentum on climate change action and/or community development. Volunteering with or donating to a local organization can be a great way to turn climate stress into action. Below are some local organizations that may have opportunities for volunteers or could use additional support.

*For contact information, see the Community Directory

2. Influence political action

Voting, volunteering or running for election for the provincial and federal parties that align with your values will help move government toward the changes you want to see. Additional ways to influence political action is to write letters to your MLA and MP. Running for municipal election, voting for the municipal councilors that you feel will work on the issues that matter to you and attending and participating in community meetings are more great ways to get involved.

Despite all the household and community-based actions and ideas in the rest of this guide, there are many things we need our municipal, provincial or federal governments to do, such as create regulations and programs.

Some actions from the municipal government that would enable further community resilience include:

  • Municipal water tax break and incentive for implementing water saving actions
  • Tree bylaw to help protect trees in the downtown
  • Net zero runoff bylaw
  • Formally joining the Transition Town movement
  • Working on long-term plans to retreat or relocate municipal assets to higher ground
  • And more

The provincial government can also support community resilience by:

  • Improving the dyke system
  • Allowing a property assessed clean energy (PACE) program where residents could finance
  • clean energy projects affordably through their property taxes
  • Allow community-owned renewable energy projects
  • Provide funding for long-term and costly adaptation projects such as relocating low-lying
  • sewage lagoons, doing land swaps, protecting critical transportation routes, etc.


3. Add your ideas

Have an idea to add to the collection? Have your voice heard. Contact EOS Eco-Energy and get your ideas added to the toolkit.